Our Offerings

Extra Vitalis Products and Silkenz Cosmetics

Discover our range of natural health and beauty solutions


Vital Complexes

Our Vital Complexes are enriched with amino acid and peptide complexes that promote muscle regeneration, energy metabolism, and immune function while nourishing the skin from within. Experience improved overall health, mental vitality, and support for anti-aging.


Superfood Mixtures

Our Superfood Mixtures are enhanced with amino acid and peptide complexes that provide essential nutrients for optimal health and vitality. Boost your immune system, improve digestion, and enjoy the benefits of natural, nutrient-rich ingredients.


Peptide-Infused Skincare

Our skincare products contain peptide complexes that promote collagen production and enhance skin structure. Achieve visibly improved skin quality, reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, and embrace your natural, healthy beauty.

Why Choose Extra Vitalis

Discover the Unique Value Proposition behind our products and services

Wissenschaftliche Grundlage

Unsere Produkte basieren auf neuesten Forschungsergebnissen und sind in Zusammenarbeit mit Experten entwickelt worden.

Nachhaltige Produkte

Wir verwenden biotechnologisch fermentierte Aminosäuren und Peptide, um umweltfreundliche und ethisch hergestellte Produkte anzubieten.

Mehr über das Extra Vitalis-Erlebnis

In Kürze unsere hochwertigen und nachhaltigen Produkte kennenlernen und ein gesünderes Leben führen.

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